张戈,毕业于中央民族大学美术系,职业画家。1992-1993年在丹佛大学罗拉多学院作访问学者和客座艺术家。作品主要有《三寸金莲》、《连心锁》、《欲飞的蛋》、《观音手》等。主要展览:1990年“二人画展”,首都博物馆;北京1992年“另一种声音—张戈绘画展”,美国Bouder;1993年“内心的反叛—张戈绘画展”,美国Denver ;1992-1994年“外来的声音—张戈巡回展”,美国;1995年“张戈绘画展”,北京云峰画苑 ;1998-1999年“精神与现实—张戈绘画展”,美国加州;2000年“弦外之音—当代中国绘画展”, 澳大利亚悉尼;2003年“生命印象”,北京798工厂;2006年“抽象矩阵”,美国纽约Agora Gallery 。^_^Zhang Ge,Graduated from the Art Department of Central University for Nationalities. Visiting scholar and guest artist at Colorado College and University of Denver. His works of art mainly include 3 Golden Shoe,Connected Locks, Egg With Wings and Hand of Guanyin. The exhibitions he has participated in mainly include“Exhibition of Guo Jian and Zhang Ge” in 1990 (Capital Museum of China);“In a Different Voice-Paintings by Zhang Ge” in 1992 (Bouder, USA);“Rebellion From Within” in 1993 (Denver, USA);“Voice From Outside” from 1992 to 1994 (USA);“Paintings of Zhang Ge” in 1995 (Wan Fung Art Gallery, Beijing);“Mind and Reality-Paintings by Zhang Ge” from 1998 to 1999 (California, USA);“Implications-Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Paintings” in 2000 (Sidney, Aus-tralia);“Impression of Life” in 2003 (Beijing 789 Art District) and“Contemporary Art at its Best in New York” in 2006 (Agora Gallery, New York,USA). (Lot 382)